I lost everything I owned at my last residence, even stuff I brought with me from Ohio back in '79, and then I ended up learning to sleep in my car for 8 months through the winter, during the atmospheric rivers at hurricane force winds, and when summer rolled around I finally got into the place that I was promised back in January...
The new place is a converted hotel room, mini frig and no closet, just a bar and shelf in the corner, and furnished with hotel furniture, but no cable or fiber and I'm in a radio dead zone and only get local PD, FIRE, AMBULANCE, AIR, on the sanner, and my only option is cellular internet that only works in the wee hours of the morning when nobody else is using the one cell tower for 2 cities!
I start my day at 2-3 AM and go to bed when the sun goes down so I can watch streaming TV without it pixelating and buffering, which makes it impossible for me to watch, so when it starts buffering at around 7 AM, I switch to streming music which does not require any bandwidth to speak of, and do all my emails and texting and X-ing the rest of the day...
So here I am at 68 sitting in a hotel room under government control, it's a gated community for security and to keep the crime in...
Just this morning a call for an ambulance to room 250 for a fentanyl O.D. and just last week an 11-44, fatlity 3 doors down...
I'm trying to save money to get out of this area and move back to Canada because of the political climate, so when what gets stripped away match what Canada will pay, I'm moving back to the homeland...
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